a: Adjective ~
b: stabbing with a javelin
What: "Every adjective is like stabbing with a javelin" The line is from the song in the link.
Writer: LowKey
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:38 PM
# 3839 Critique Analogy
Wtf Does This Mean?
a: Adjective ~
b: Lynx Africa
What: "The adjective is like Lynx Africa: the unwise overdo it."
Writer: Faber Academy
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:38 PM
# 3840 Critique Analogy
Or Is It?
a: Adjective ~
b: red pepper
What: "One single word before the word speech brings it to life; change the word and everything changes again! An adjective is indeed like red pepper, a little bit does go a long way."
Writer: Vinodpillai
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:42 PM
# 3841 Critique Analogy
Woofy Writing
a: Adjective ~
b: dog
What: "An adjective is like a dog because it is steadfast and a constant companion. An adjective is steadfast because it is persistent in helping to describe the noun and give it a deeper meaning. It is a constant companion because you can't have an adjective without a noun to describe it." There are comparisons to other animals in the link.
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:43 PM
# 3842 Critique Analogy
a: Adjective ~
b: word ownership
What: "Becoming your own adjective is like word ownership...raised to the 10th power." The linked page is a discussion of people who do really well in some endeavor and become an adjective. For example, Bob Dylan --->"Dylan-esque"
Writer: Scott Ginsberg
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:50 PM
# 3843 Critique Analogy
A Sentence As A Basketball Team
a: Adjective ~
b: player on a team
What: "An adjective is like a player on a team, because your sentence may be ok without it, but it works much better with it."
Writer: Mrs. Weller
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:51 PM
# 3844 Critique Analogy
Montessori Language Metaphor
a: Adjective ~
b: a little girl
What: "She concretizes the role of article, noun and adjective by likening them to a family: the noun is the mother, the article is the baby (they always go together), and the adjective is like a little girl, who may or may not be with the mother."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:55 PM
# 3845 Critique Analogy
More M Metaphors
a: Adjective ~
b: a big sister
What: "The adjective is like a big sister though big adjective needs the support of the mother. Thus the noun holds adjective, adjective hold the hand of the article. It denotes the way they appear in English, first article followed by adjective and noun."
Writer: Rekha Reddy
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:57 PM
# 3846 Critique Analogy
a: Adjective ~
b: little verbal hurdle
What: "Every unnecessary adjective is like a little verbal hurdle for your reader to jump. Would you actually have the energy to attend the event after ploughing through that congested sentence?"
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 8 2013 6:59 PM
# 3847 Critique Analogy
a: Adjective ~
b: an infant
What: "An adjective is like an infant in leading strings-it cannot go alone. It always requires to be joined to a substantive, of which it shows the nature or quality-as lectio longa, a long lesson; magnus aper, a great boar; pinguis puer, a fat boy; macer puer, a lean boy. In making love (as you will find 21 one of these days) or in abusing a cab-man, your success will depend in no small degree in your choice of adjectives."
Writer: Percival Leigh
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:07 PM
# 3849 Critique Analogy
Conventional Pornography?
a: Adjective ~
b: a flirtatious glance
What: "The problem is not the adjectives or adverbs. The problem is the poor grammatical training which makes writers unaware how to use these parts of speech effectively. A good use of an adverb or adjective is like a flirtatious glance; the overuse of either is as banal as conventional pornography."
Writer: Erin Manning
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:10 PM
# 3850 Critique Analogy
Good Writing Described
a: Adjective ~
b: a delicate touch of color
What: "Yes Ottavio, her use of the Italian Language is perfect! A musical and elegant style, each word chosen with elegant wisdom, I would almost say grace! Every single adjective is like a delicate touch of color, and the verbs are chosen and conjugated in so an elegant but not redundant way! The use of the 'Consecutio Temporum' is simply perfect and magnificent. A woman who writes with such a style is really priceless, my dear Ottavio."
Writer: Diocle
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:16 PM
# 3852 Critique Analogy
Deriving The Brain Dream Equation
a: The adjective ~
b: a skin applied to the dream world
What: "The first code example should be a simple one. A choice of 3 words will fuel the Dream Folding algorithm. Each word will have code stored to recreate the word's meaning. Nouns are the most simple, representing people, places or things. Verbs are given the associative property. Adjectives fall into different classes. Color and size adjectives are recognizable while others are not (such as hot, cold, and actions like bubbling, rapid, bouncing). The adjective is like a skin applied to the dream world."
Writer: Humanoido
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:13 PM
# 3851 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.