Keep The Loons Away....
a: Actin ~
b: a celebrity
What: "My Professor explained it as Actin is like a celebrity and Tropomyosin is the rope that blocks the crazy fan Myosin... And that's where I need to look over my notes again! But more basically the motor neuron stimulates and the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum releases calcium."
Writer: Beth Bluestocking
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 29 2013 5:47 PM
Molecular Jewals
a: Actin ~
b: a pair of pearl necklaces
What: "Actin is like a pair of pearl necklaces twisted around eachother. The Tropomyosin is like a cable lying alongside the necklaces (covering binding sites for myosin)."
Writer: ford_dangerfield
Date: Apr 30 2013 9:41 AM
Choo Choo
a: Actin ~
b: the railroad track
What: "Basically, actin is like the railroad track, and myosin travels along actin," says Minehardt, who has been studying the phenomenon since 1999, when he was a UCSF post-doc.
Writer: Todd Minehardt
Date: Apr 30 2013 9:44 AM
On And Off Of And On.....
a: Actin ~
b: a switch
What: "Actin is like a switch going on and off pretty quickly." The link is a stream on conciousness about all sorts of thing biological.
Writer: Dr. rer. nat. Peter
Date: Apr 30 2013 9:48 AM
a: prolactin ~
b: brakes
"At climax, dopamine drops (and/or nerve cell receptors for dopamine decline, leaving your reward circuitry less sensitive to dopamine). At the same time, the neurohormone prolactin shoots up. Like most hormones, prolactin has many jobs in the body. After orgasm it acts as a "sexual satiation" substance, suppressing dopamine. Dopamine is an accelerator; prolactin is like brakes."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 29 2017 5:54 PM
a: actin filaments ~
b: surface streets
"Microtubules (MT) are like freeways and actin filaments are like local surface streets."
Writer: Steve Gross et al.
Date: Oct 19 2015 2:12 PM
a: actin filaments ~
b: molecular ladders
"Actin filaments are like little branching molecular ladders that are contained in the dendrites."
Writer: Eddie Cope
Date: Oct 19 2015 2:14 PM
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