abstract expressionism
"Abstract Expressionism is like a parent. It's something I can both honor and rebel against, but nothing I do is a statement against it."
"Abstract Expressionism is like a thumb-print. It is simultaneously absolutely personal and universal."
"I think Abstract Expressionism is like landscape painting. You take the subject away, you take all the figuration away, you're still left with the emotions of the atmosphere. It's an accidental or unstoppable association-patterns of weather, sky, water."
They both came of age in the same area and about the same time, New York from the mid 40's to the mid 50's. They are both about being in the moment and being free and letting the brush or the music take the artist to some other place, as a means of expression.
" I've done it, but now I use it just to refresh after a hard day's work of painting. Abstract Expressionism is like hearing noises of a crowd outside your window without seeing their faces - - a blurred vision of Life. There is a loss of individuality. Abstract Expressionism has become a modern day version of the nineteenth century Salon, a great fashionable crowd of dilettantes. I hate mass movements of any kind."

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