absolute zero


Big 0=speed Of Light

a: Absolute zero ~
b: the speed of light

What: "Absolute zero is like the speed of light--it can be approached but never fully reached. As others have pointed out, we have gotten really close though, but the closer we get the harder it is to get there. According to quantum physics, the colder things get, the bigger they fuzz out."

Writer: Jeff
Date: Nov 13 2012 6:44 PM

It No Move

a: Absolute zero ~
b: a completely immobile state

What: "Absolute zero is like a completely immobile state. Molecules are, in a theoretical absolute zero enviornment, not moving at all. However, this is not possible. Scientists have been able to create a near-zero-K enviornment (as close as 1x10^18 degrees), but it is impossible, in space anywhere or synthetically, for absolute zero to be."

Writer: scherzo
Date: Nov 13 2012 6:47 PM

Absolute Zeroooooos

a: Absolute zero ~
b: negative infinity

What: "Absolute zero is like negative infinity..."

Writer: digidested2000
Date: Nov 13 2012 6:49 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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