The Submerged Ice Machine Takes 5

a: My Being ~
b: Ice Machine buried in the Desert Shore


My Namibian heart
my spirit landed
on the

Stopped-been there- on
the continental shore
Flat dry sand to the East
as far as eyes can see

But near the oceans crease
with thy most mellow serene

There is my wet flat
heart as a Medieval Glyph
Flat Byzantine Icon flat
Flat wet flat wet

The ice machine
The submerged ice machine
has stopped
stopped working, as strong as
in the past

Now the remains is a wet pool
of sandy goo
It stick my toes in to
feel the goo
Flat wet flat as flat wet
desert shore

Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 5 2016 8:21 PM

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