a: Sacral chakra ~
b: continuous tone of a flute


"The root chakra is like the sound of a field of locusts or insects humming or the buzzing of a bumble bee. The sound of the sacral chakra is like the continuous tone of a flute. Your solar plexus chakra, opposite your navel, is like that of humming harp stringsafter they have been plucked. Your heart center sounds like the tone of a bell or gong, the way it continues to vibrate after it has been struck. Your throat chakra has a sound like rushing waters, like a brook crashing continuously down a mountainside. Your medullary center emits a sound from behind your head like the roar of the ocean, like continuous rolling thunder, or like a combination of all of the sounds, which can also sound like the continuous blare of a trumpet.."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 14 2015 7:20 PM

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