
a: Transciption ~
b: Boom mine


Transctiption is kiek a boom mine that booms like reading boo,. Whic also makrs operfect sense. So that means rthat the interest of transctipopn is aosm an important concept of calculus. Which fhe impotance of inspirtaion of grabs attentiion to others/ So rreasd this messahge. Spread the news. Feed the hunger. Drink those milk. For ladies prider they must enjoy thus every single oart. Single dudes will undersatnd thos=a maing convrpey of treproducritoj. So spread the news. Do this in order to save lives. Save some helpers. Freedom is here. Do what you like best. For your heart!

Writer: Jon the Boomer
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 14 2015 6:16 PM

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