a: natural selection ~
b: a mechanic


"A car has been made so that it has a top speed of 110mph. This has been observed many times. The things you are presupposing is that the car on its own can go beyond what it was made to do, and even can become a different thing altogether (a robot) that is capable of doing things that the car was never observed doing. You believe more in "Transformers" than changes in the speed of a vehicle. You believe natural selection is like a mechanic that has the ability to carefully tear the car apart, go to the parts store to buy new materials and completely different parts, than make it look like a different vehicle that has a new, more powerful engine and capabilities it didn't have before, such as reasoning and ability to communicate, like in the "Transformers" movies or in Disney and Pixar's "Cars"."

Writer: EvangelismHelp
Date: Dec 26 2014 7:12 PM

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