a: baked potato ~
b: eating paper


"It's time to write about something that is obviously of utmost importance. Baked Potatoes. Baked potatoes are ruining my life and countless meals I have had to endure through. Let's be honest. Eating a baked potato is like eating paper. There's no flavor, the texture is obviously more redeeming then paper but is not exciting either. Baked potatoes alone are bland and awful so my husband said, "That's why you put all that stuff on it." Oh ok so let's take a piece of paper and put chili and sour cream and cheese on it and I say we get the same results..awfulness. I'm serious people. It's time to wake up! We can't keep eating baked potatoes and taking a bite and say: "My what a lovely baked potato!" False. There is no such thing."

Writer: Cody Paige
Date: Dec 14 2014 8:20 PM

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