a: Homosexuality ~
b: Race

What: "Answer: No, it's not. Sexual behavior is always a choice, race never is. You will find many former homosexuals, but you will never find a former African-American." "This analogy falsely assumes a homosexual act is a condition rather than a behavior.Skin color is a condition; a sexual act is behavior. Someone could be a "homosexual' in the sense of having gay feelings, but not act on them. The same can be said of a celibate person with heterosexual feelings. So technically speaking, there are no heterosexuals or homosexuals-- there are only males and females. For convenience we call people heterosexuals or homosexuals, when it would be more accurate to refer to such people as "people who desire to engage in heterosexual acts" and "people who desire to engage in homosexual acts." In other words, we are males and females by condition, and heterosexuals or homosexuals by behavior."

Writer: Frank Turek
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 24 2014 10:23 AM

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