a: federal reserve ~
b: pre-historic medicine men


"That ONE person, like Yellen, Bernanke, Greenspan, can cause billions of wealth to be lost or gained at a moment of their utterances is totally idiotic and burdensome to the economy. No one has noticed that this is somewhat like Russia in 1917 when they revamped their economy onto the theoretical basis of ONE person and fumbled along for some 75 years. Beyond that the Dow Theory is also resembling somewhat the theory of Karl Marx, if one knows comparative economic history well enough. To skip a few steps in the analysis, the only solution is to decentralize Wall Street and close the revolving door to Congress, senior adm. officials, the Fed and CEOs on Wall Street.
Hey, reformulated another way, Yellen and Bernanke, etc. are our equivalents of pre-historic medicine men and/or chieftains whose utterances moved clans and tribes. So there, this mini-lecture comes to you tuition free to counteract our growing student debt, which is another one of our self-caused economic disasters."

Writer: Jay, A Yahoo writer
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jun 19 2014 2:39 PM

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