a: Macrophage ~
b: the eager-to-please younger siblings

What: "Macrophages are like the eager-to-please younger siblings of other cells in the immune system. They float around the body collecting up all sorts of stuff then coming to lymph nodes to say "Look at me!!!! Look at what I found!!!!". Lymph nodes are kind of like the common room for the older siblings. All the macrophages run around showing off what they found, while other cells like T- and B- cells hang out smoking and listening to The Cure. Macrophages not only want to show off what they find but they are normally able to break up what they find into lots of smaller pieces, that way there is more to show off. When something doesn't look 'right' (i.e. not from the body) the T- and B- cells respond. "

Writer: thomastu
Date: Feb 23 2014 7:57 PM

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