a: Terminal button ~
b: the nozzle at the end of a hose


"Terminal Button is like the nozzle at the end of a hose, from which water is squirted."

Here are a bunch more:

"Dendrite is like a tree. Also, each branch is a telephone wire that carries incoming messages to you. Dendrites DETECT All or None is like a gun. Fires completely or not at all. Myelin is like the insulation that covers electrical wires.
Neuron is like a silicon chip in a computer that receives and transmits information between input and output devices as well as between other chips. Axon is like an electrical cable that carries information. Axons ANNOUNCE (Union of Opposites) Resting Potential is like a battery. Stable until electrical charge stimulates it.
Terminal Button is like the nozzle at the end of a hose, from which water is squirted. Synapse is like a railroad junction, where two trains may meet.

Writer: KauffmanJ
Date: Dec 28 2013 9:40 PM

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