The Us Washington Elites.......

a: Us government 2013 ~
b: Maoist gerontocracy

What: It is indeed. Look at the US government, or maybe the 2 political parties that hold the most power,currently . A duopoly that spends much of it's time currying favor and power with the money powers so they can get more money and power so they can get even more money and power and favor. It's 2 factions fighting to control the levers of power in Washington DC. The powerful people in both parties are in their early 70's. They have been around a long time. That how you get to the top of the heap. It has the flavor of a Maoist gerontocracy. What is characteristic of this form of government? Check back for more later.....

Writer: LucyShew
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 14 2013 12:09 PM

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