Molecular Sewing Machines........

a: Dna ligase ~
b: a sewing machine

What: DNA ligase is an enzyme. Enzymes, biological catalysts, generally perform 2 functions. They provide an ideal spatial orientation for 2 or more molecules to react. Once said molecules are aligned correctly, the enzyme reversibly interacts with the molecules to lower the transition energy for that particular reaction. So, a valid association for DNA ligase is a sewing machine. A sewing machine can do 2 things; it can provide a surface for cloth to be aligned correctly, and it provides the means for the 2 separate piece of cloth to bound. The means of connection is the needle and the thread. A sewing machine is not changed by this process. It can perform the same task many many times.

Writer: Matt Flynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 10 2013 10:28 AM

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