Not That Straight Up Thing It Is.....

a: Virgin birth ~
b: a parable

What: "There is a dialectic or symbiosis at the heart of existence. The virgin birth is like a parable. It points to something valuable in life. It is not to be trivialized or prematurely resolved by what we insist is so-called 'reality.' What we define as 'reality' is always interpreted. It does not exist without interpretation. Christians insist that Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed one of the lineage of David, is eternally alive not just as an abstract model to be emulated, but as someone walking next to you and me, whether we want it or not....It is this living presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all times which the virgin birth is attempting to highlight."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 29 2012 5:41 PM

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