Synesthesia: Color As.......?

a: Yellow ~
b: someone blowing a whistle


"In general, I go through my day ignoring the sounds and colors that are triggered by life. Some colors though, like yellow and pink, are so loud that even a little will make my ears hurt. Yellow is like someone blowing a whistle, and pink is like someone scratching on glass. Autumn is the time when I get my worst migraines. I play trombone, and it's a distinct navy blue mist. Tubas are purple, and flutes are yellow. I actually switched from flute to trombone as a child when the bright yellow gave me headaches. Not just music, but noise has colors. My vacuum is distinctly orange, sirens are red and red sounds like a siren, and windchimes are like little silver confetti in the breeze. Recently I saw the online video for motion-sound synesthesia, and I had to ask my husband if the video really was silent. It's not something I consciously noticed before, since sometimes what I hear-hear and what I see-hear mixes up, so now I'm paying more attention to the "motion-sound" portion that is the soundtrack of my life."

Writer: Rhov
Date: Jul 7 2014 4:57 PM

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