A Line Of Observations=peoples.....

a: The sas data step ~
b: like voting

What: "Here is an analogy. DATA step processing is a bit like voting. When you arrive at your polling place, you stand in line behind other people who have come to vote. When you reach the front of the line you are asked standard questions: "What is your name? Where do you live?" Then you sign your name, and you cast your vote. In this analogy, the people are observations, and the voting process is the DATA step. People vote one at a time (or observation by observation). Each voter's choices are secret, and peeking at your neighbor's ballot is definitely frowned upon. In addition, each person completes each step of the process in the same order (line by line). You cannot cast your vote before you give your name and address. Everything must be done in the proper order." From page 9.

Writer: Susan J. Slaughter
Date: Apr 10 2013 5:28 PM

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