Mississippi Basin

a: Mississippi basin ~
b: The literary genitalia of the North America

What: On the penal side: John Kennedy Toole lampoons Mark Twain's use of the Mississippi River as a phallic daddy symbol in "A Confederacy of Dunces". On page 131, he describes it as a "Father-God-Moses-Daddy-Phallus-Pops in an altogether false motif begun, by that dreary fraud, Mark Twain." I suspect Tool would be more sympathetic to the Vaginal side: Unwittingly, The environmentalists and some NPR correspondents are always going on about "Sensitive Wetlands" in the Mississippi Delta. This has got to be one of the slickest metaphors in the history of metaphors. The Mississippi delta is one of the largest and most "Sensitive Wetlands" on the planet. Oh dear, I really must get down there before that oil slick coats it all.

Writer: mattyflynn
Date: May 4 2010 2:07 AM

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