a: Meth ~
b: an abusing spouse


"For Meth is like an abusing spouse, who fills your head and heart with sweet and wonderful intentions.Feeling much like a victim of domestic violence, you experience a sensation of drowning in the sea of hurt, confusion, guilt and depression. You keep saying to yourself over and over again, "I did everything my lover (Meth) wanted. I became everything Meth wanted me to be. I gave away everything important to me. I even gave up the person I was born to be and all the happiness and success I wanted for my life Meth could be my number one focus."Then, you start to question about where it all went wrong. And, you begin to realize Meth was only using your trusting heart that was starved for love, affection and protection to lure you in to it's wicked web of destruction. "

Writer: Miz Ricochetz World
Date: Feb 27 2014 5:25 PM

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