a: medical doctor ~
b: the Good Samaritan


" The medical doctor is like the Good Samaritan who goes to the side of the sick man and makes himself his neighbour through understanding and sympathy, in a word through his charity. In this way the medical doctor takes part in the love of God as an instrument of its diffusion, and in this way is infused with the love of God for man.
This is the healing charity of Christ, who passed by doing good and healing (Acts 10:38). And at the same time it is charity towards Christ who is present in every sick person. He is the person who is cared for in every man and woman, "I was sick and you visited me", as the Lord will say in the Final Judgement (Mt 25:31-40)."

Writer: H.E. Mons. Javier LOZANO BARRAGAN
Date: Apr 23 2014 5:38 PM

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