Water As

a: Clean water ~
b: god

What: "The Water Of Life There is no life without water, as there is no life without God, as God is like Living Water, as John 7;37 speaks of the Holy Ghost as Living Water. Water comes in three forms, Liquid, Ice and steam, the natural state, and two parts nitrogen, and one part oxygen as the Spiritual state, like in man, body, soul and Spirit."

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 10 2012 2:47 PM

By Riley on 2018-January-29

Topic: Clean Water:God

What if someone is not religious, how they supposed to understand this. What if they've never opened a Bible like me? How am I expected to know what this means if I've never heard of a psalm, or something else religious?


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